Thursday, 1 November 2012

Market-driven business examples

What is a product? It is a result of a labour process. It is something offered and could satisfy customers' needs. The development of new products is based on a product orientation or a marketing orientation. The first one means the concentration on good's producing, characteristics, etc. The last one learns customers' wants and preferences. 
One of the examples of market driven company can be Home Depot organization. It is a U.S. retail chain which is the largest in the world for the sale of the tools for repairing and building materials. The Home Deport is the third largest retailer in the world after U.S. Wal-Malt and the French chain Carrefour. The strategy of Home Deport company was to provide the customer value through the customer service. The company offers a four-week education program for customers who want to make do-it-themselves goods. Moreover, customers' value increases when the organization always update its' stores. The brand-name products can not be found anywhere else. For doing it, many contracts are signed with the suppliers.
The paragraph was written according to Bill Barrett's article,
Some more exactly instances could be found on the link below:

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