Customer-oriented marketing
Customer-orinted marketing is one of the marketing's strategy but it is more detailed and accurate than all the other strategies. Orientation on customers' needs is the key point for the success of marketing activity. To determine clients' preferances marketing research is used. It helps to satisfy customers who can possibly repeat the purchase. It also requires managers to analyze and select the necessary information through the whole data base and determine the most important market segments for a given product. These knowledge identifies the trends that are occulting in the whole market.
Marketing mix is one of the most important concepts in this strategy. It includes such elements as price, place, promotion and product; it is called 4P model.

The place is the goods' distribution. That means delivery at the right place and the right time. It includes channels of distribution, transportation, warehousing, inventory.
Promotion is an activity that let's customers know about the product. It is affecting the public through advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, PR-techniques.
Price is the component that is mentioned by customers first of all. This part develops such areas as pricing and discount policies, payment strategies, delivery terms, and others. Price of a product should cover the expenses for it at least to "pay" for the creation of this product, but it also tries to make a profit. The price should also be low that stimulate customers to buy a product. Moreover, pricing is used in the market competition.
An example of the customer-oriented companies could be Lindström company that provides hire out services. One basically rents a store/place/building but it is oriented on working clothes, hiring and mat's changing.
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